Larry's Blog Pages

May 3, 2011

Please Support a Friend - Follow his Blog...

Thanks to the internet, I have been able to create a respectable following of online friends and readers. I have been able to connect with and learn from so many people through this blog so I hope you find the material interesting as I pass it along.

As I have mentioned in the past, I may not have the technical advice for our sport but I try to use my voice to promote the sport and the people in the sport that have caught my attention. As I was reading my Facebook news feed this morning, I came across a posting from a friend that offered up a link to his blog and I decided to follow through to see what he was up to. I knew he was working on a project (through a few conversations we had regarding his upcoming cycling events) but his blog provided much more insight so I thought I would send along the link so others could follow along.

Below is the link for you to connect with Adam Fitzsimmons, who is promoting a wellness program within his industry to help support the CanHEAR Uganda mission.

I will admit I am now just reading more to learn about his cause but, from what I have seen so far, Adam is doing a great job using his passion in sport to promote a very worthwhile charity initiative.

Please check out his site and support him in any way possible. I am sure he will appreciate comments, donations or moral support to help him achieve his goals.

Thank you!

PS - if you have something you would like me to post, drop me a line at larrybradleytoronto (at) .

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