Larry's Blog Pages

January 9, 2013

Quick Update...

Happy 2013 everyone!

Not much out of the ordinary is going on with me so I have been quietly trying to get back down to a respectable weight. I really dove into the holidays this year with treats and more treats. I didn't get too crazy with the drinks but the snacking certainly did some damage by the time the new year rolled in.

For the past week I have been back to hammer time and passing by all the sweets that seem to be lingering around the house and at work. The first few days were very tough to resist but I survived the initial temptation and now find it much easier to stick to my apple or banana snack and the figure is starting to take shape as an athlete again.

On the training front, I have been working with Kevin Smith ( @DU_Smithy ) to get me down to the fastest running times my body can handle in my advancing age. Come February, I will be hitting the ceiling on this age group so have to stay shape to keep ahead of the younger bucks in the 35-39 AG.

I have also finally motivated myself to get back on the trainer to build back to the place I was last summer on the bike. I can feel I lost a bunch of power and endurance so it looks like I better get back to my 2012 frame of mind that helped me increase my cycling before the crash in August.

It may only be January but I am eagerly awaiting some dry roads so I can safely ride outside again. The cold is not the big issue for me but the lack of space on the roads with the snow and ice taking up the shoulder, does not make for friendly encounters with motorists. This week has started out warm so I may just get some open road cycling this weekend.

In other news, I am off to the Kona area for a business trip in a few weeks. Although, this is for work, I hope to use some spare time to train in the nice warm weather of Hawaii. I don't think they have too much more daylight but as long as the air is warm in the morning and nights, I should be able to rock out a solid week of running, swimming and maybe even a ride or two on a rental.

On a parting note, check out the photos my Mom has been snapping in the Sarnia area. It is a hobby of hers and she has captured some cool shots of birds and animals we don't always get to see in action.